The starry sky in Cappadocia

Jury Award

yu-chuan chang
The starry sky in Cappadocia
engraving / wood engraving
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Review: Seishi OZAKU (Print Artist)

I am offering my review for this mini-print exhibition as a printmaker myself. I create lithographs. Lithography provides the artist with relatively more freedom to add and subtract compared with other forms of printmaking. This type of printmaking suits my personality, and I have never tired of it.

In reviewing the works collected here, I have seen a great many which display a rigorous degree of perfection, and amongst these, my eye is drawn to those which convey the warmth of artist's hand.

Yu-Chuan CHANG's work is a wood engraving. Perhaps because it is wood rather than metal, it highlights the white shapes underneath the starry sky. Added to this is the metal foil shape occupying the middle of the piece. Perhaps because the embossed foil has been engraved, it gives off a mysterious light that does not, however, make it seem out of place. The sense of leaping and jumping underneath the starry sky is joyous.

I have an ominous sense of the ever-growing degree to which the human eye is neglected in favor of the overwhelming power of the single-lens camera.

Art is fundamentally a product of humans, and it is essential that we not forget that this is its source.