Speakers & Sponsors

Pacific Rim Guest Lecture Series

An intensive series of guest presentations made possible with generous support from the Nuckolls Fund for Lighting Education by experts in lighting design, interactive art, and solar technology.

James Clar
James Clar presented his work, which merges technology and art to create new visual systems, innovative products, and dynamic architectural environments.
Sphelar Micro-Solar Cell Technology
Mr. Taira, engineer at Kyosemi, presented Sphelar, cutting-edge micro-solar cells that function at any angle and can be cast into transparent solids and flexible matrices.
Mongoose Studio
Presentation and hands-on demonstration of Mongoose Studio's interactive light art, emotional lit furniture, and innovative technology.

Courses at Tama Art University

At TAU, Art Center students have the opportunity to attend special classes with themes that connect to the Pacific Rim project and to Japanese culture.

Banana Textile: Sustainable Textile Design
Faculty: KASHIWAGI Ko, ASANO Yasuhiro
Students carry out research into banana fiber and pursue its potential for product design. Students work on the entire process from the undeveloped fiber — a waste product of the banana growing industry — to finished textile and paper.
Media Art
Faculty: MIKAMI Seiko, KUWAKUBO Ryota, ICHIKAWA Sota
Students create interactive objects and learn to assemble and program electronic devices.
Faculty: IKEDA Reiko

Special Seminars and Cultural Field Trips

These seminars and field trips, lead by TAU faculty, expose Art Center students to an extraordinary range of Japanese arts and culture, from the traditional to the contemporary.

Honda's Design Philosophy: from the first Civic to today
Faculty: IWAKURA Shinya
Visit to Koizumi House, a traditional farmhouse (Minka) constructed in 1878
Faculty: KISHIMOTO Akira
Japanese Garden
Faculty: MASUNO Shunmyo
logos 鹿島建設