多摩美術大学は1981年から長年にわたり交流を続けてきた米国のアートセンターカレッジオブデザインと2006年から『Pacific Rim (パシフィック・リム)』プロジェクトを開催しています。このプロジェクトはデザインの分野で学ぶ学生たちが、自然災害やサステナブル、またはワークスペースのデザインなど、グローバルな社会問題から日常的なテーマまで幅広く取り上げて行う共同研究です。文化、習慣、言語、価値観の違いのなかでリサーチ、討議、デザイン作業を経て、コンセプトを共有し、デザインを学ぶ学生として何ができるのかを提案します。成果は研究成果発表会で発表されるほか、インターネットなどを通じて全世界に発信されます。
Tama Art University (TAU) and Art Center College of Design (ACCD) have cultivated exchanges in design education for more than 28 years, and in 2006, the Pacific Rim joint project was inaugurated. The project requires design students of the two institutions to collaborate on research and practical work related to both global and local themes, such as natural disasters, sustainability and workspace. They explore the theme from the viewpoints of different cultures, customs, languages, and thinking, then propose their responses and solutions as designers. The results of their research are announced in a final presentation, as well as on the Internet.
In 2006, two sessions were held in Japan and the US. The students focused on the theme “How can design respond to natural disasters?” and worked hard on case studies of the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake and the massive 1994 earthquake in Los Angeles. At the end of the project, they had not only produced a number of creative responses to disaster relief, but had also deepened their understanding of other cultures.
In 2007, ten students and two part-time professors of ACCD visited Japan from September to December to carry out research with twelve TAU students on a theme related to the concept of sustainable design.
In 2008, the session was held in the US once again. On the theme of "Designing the way we work", thirteen ACCD students and ten TAU students explored various ways of improving our working environment.
The final Japan stage was held in 2009. On the theme of “Designing Sustainable Living”, twenty-four students from both institutions explored how design can inform and enrich all aspects of our daily lives and redefine the human experience.
Finally, the project will come to an end in the fall of 2010 in the US. Students from Japan and the US will tackle the common problem of an aging society, and respond to the needs and desires of an aging generation.