『當代藝術§日本製造 The Power of Japanese Contemporary Sculpture』

本学科非常勤講師 三宅一樹が台湾で開催されている展覧会に参加しました。

The Power of Japanese Contemporary Sculpture
会期 Duration│2012 8/5 〜 9/9
オープニングレセプションOpening Reception│2012. 08. 05 (SUN) 15:00

出品作家 Artists│青木克世 Katsuyo AOKI│舟越桂 Katsura FUNAKOSHI│袴田京太郎Kyotaro HAKAMATA│北川宏人 Hiroto KITAGAWA│三宅一樹 Ikki MIYAKE│笹口数 Kazz SASAGUCHI│須田匤弘 Yoshihiro SUDA│土屋仁応 Yoshimasa TSUCHIYA

將日本傳統雕塑技法結合西方現代雕塑精神–舟越桂(Katsura FUNAKOSHI)從寫實入作品,他對半身人體的琢磨,跳脫70年代傳統日本寫實具像框架,以大理石材製作的眼睛,配合任由意志發揮的人物造形,靜懿與靈性的情感豐富該年代的日本雕塑,其原創精神更揭開日本雕塑的另一頁。
轉變期的80年代,各式思想在日本藝壇激蕩,袴田京太郎 (Kyotaro HAKAMATA)與笹口数(Kazz SASAGUCHI)或多或少受到物派思想的影響,大步開拓現成物雕塑與動態雕塑的境界;後期的北川宏人(Hiroto KITAGAWA)與須田匤弘 (Yoshihiro SUDA)進一步發掘作品內在感受面與觀眾的共感,不論是北川宏人討論的當下日本人的時代不安感,或須田匤弘禪味的追尋”看不見”的境界,都揭諸了此時代的轉變與多樣貌。
隨著時代和觀念的變化,日本當代雕塑邁向複合維度的時空與心態深探,土屋仁応 (Yoshimasa TSUCHIYA),三宅一樹 (Ikki MIYAKE)從木雕上對哲學的生死、宇宙、人生觀的體現,青木克世 (Katsuyo AOKI)延伸裝飾性雕塑的無限可能,耽美的精緻白磁骷髏,結晶日本雕塑獨特性。

This is the very first time the Japanese’s treasure sculptor– Katsura FUNAKOSHI exhibits sculpture, sketch and prints in Taiwan. Aki Gallery is very proud to announce this momentous exhibition: The Power of Japanese Contemporary Sculpture to Taiwanese audience. This important occasion includes master sculptor Katsura FUNAKOSHI, Yoshihiro SUDA,Yoshimasa TSUCHIYA, and Ikki MIYAKE showing variety of wood-sculpture; Hiroto KITAGAWA’s terra cotta works; Katsuyo AOKI in Baroque-style ceramic; Kyotaro HAKAMATA’s combination of Plexiglas and ready-made objects; and invisible sculpture byKazz SASAGUCHI.
The Power of Japanese Contemporary Sculpture demonstrates multiple materials, skilled technique merge perfectly into artistic expression. Eight leading artists crossing three different generations will lead us explore the most notable Japanese sculpture history. This exhibition contains the essence of sculpture in modeling, firing, carving and harmonizes with conceptual idea, which showcase the most valuable boundary of sculptural field. With the excellence of Japanese beauty been operated precisely in eight sculptural experts’ works, the contemporary Japanese sculpture achieve the approved success all over the world. Breaking of generation limitation, seeking the possibility of material operation, inheriting the unique Japanese esthetic, and the expression of sensation illustrate the brilliance of Japanese contemporary sculpture.

103台北市民族西路141號│141 Min Tsu W. Rd., Taipei 103, Taiwan
TEL +882 2 25991171aki.taiwan@akigallery.com.tw│http://www.galleryaki.com