
CO-CORE contents

CO-CORE NEWS   CO-COREとは?   プログラム スケジュール 教育組織について
ENGLISH  CHINESE  KOREAN  これまでの活動記録アーカイブ  



To be together in the center − to create a core

CO-CORE is a generic term for the Sophisticated Human Resource Nurturing Program for Mutual Cross-Cultural Critiques at the Tama Art University (Master's Degree Course/Doctoral Degree Course). This program was selected for the Support Program for Improving Graduate School Education, a competitive grant program run by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology.

Activities are focused on the International Art and Design Critiques Session, an executive meeting of the graduate school.
  • TB-URL  http://www2.tamabi.ac.jp/cgi-bin/co-core/blog/adiary.cgi/contents/014/tb/