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“Freedom and Will”

The Ideology of Tama Art University

Freedom is a matter of the greatest significance, not least because without it there can be no art. Since its inception, Tama Art University has been dedicated to the pursuit of both freedom and art.

However, the concept of freedom incorporated in the university’s ideology is not a gift, but an obligation. Without exercising strong personal will, freedom is reduced to nothing more than a means to an end. Will creates freedom, and freedom fosters will. This dialectic forms a strong current underlying the activities of Tama Art University.

The world today is in the midst of a seemingly never-ending cycle of intolerance, hatred, and violence, but perhaps the human desire to create works of art can offer a solution. As its contribution to the pursuit of international peace and understanding, Tama Art University is fully committed to fostering the creative spirit.
  • TB-URL  http://www2.tamabi.ac.jp/cgi-bin/co-core/blog/adiary.cgi/contents/018/tb/