
CO-CORE contents

CO-CORE NEWS   CO-COREとは?   プログラム スケジュール 教育組織について
ENGLISH  CHINESE  KOREAN  これまでの活動記録アーカイブ  



The International Art and Design Critiques Session and the Critical Note are both innovative efforts that are common yet new to the world. These education programs are important as they must be firmly rooted in the daily educational courses.

A large workshop will be inaugurated to share and brainstorm visions with other domestic institutions. The topic will be “Research on Educational Effects by Critique and Critical Committees” (tentative name). What effects will criticism have on the artists, designers, and organizers in the field of art and design?

This workshop will foster active discussions by inviting domestic and overseas instructors, researchers, intellectuals, and students. It will be a forum for exchanging opinions on educational case studies on critiques and criticism in various fields.

The executive committee considers that critiques and criticism will offer a horizontal perspective to the students, broaden their horizons, and are an important educational process in creating instantaneous growth.

This workshop will be the first stage in discussing these unique topics.

We hope that many researchers, instructors, intellectuals and students will participate in this workshop from Japan and overseas.
  • TB-URL  http://www2.tamabi.ac.jp/cgi-bin/co-core/blog/adiary.cgi/contents/017/tb/