Progress Report
We took a English class today’s morning.
The class questions on the point that the student doesn’t understand, and has advanced in shape that the teacher answers it.
And today we took a Pacific Rim Project class,It’s 2nd day.We commented presentation concerning the assignment that had been put out on Monday.
We prepared for presentation.
各自、自分のやって来た事を発表します。もちろん全て英語です。Pacific Rimのメインの授業は、こういったプレゼンと講評を中心に進めていきます。その為、課題は全て授業外の時間で取り組みます。
We did a presentation,of course we must speak English.In Pacific Rim Project class,the presentation and the comment are mainly advanced. Therefore, we have to make the assignment time other than the class.
情報デザイン学科 Imformation Design Course
新野 佑樹 Yuki Niino
本日からArt Centerでの授業がスタートしました!
The class in Art Center started today.
We arrived at our classrooms.
The class started at once after the orientation and the self introduction ended.We write down the comfortable place, the feeling, and the situation, etc. And we did the presentation.
After the class ends,we gather in the apartment and review the today’s class.
そして本日は、Field Tripを引率して下さったArt Centerの講師であり多摩美の非常勤講師の池崎先生にお礼のサプライズプレゼントをしました!
We sent the surprise present to Mr.Ikezaki who is a lecturer of Art Center and a docent at Tama Art University!
さあ、これからArt Centerの学生とのプロジェクトが始まっていきます!
Then, the project starts!
情報デザイン学科 information Design Course
新野 佑樹 Yuki Niino