10 12月 

1月9日(水)にトレンドユニオン トレンドセミナーを開催します!

Hello, this is CMTEL.We host a seminar on Trends on Wednesday, January  9th.

【開催概要 】
●日 時:2019年1月9日(水) 16:10 開場  16:20 開始(17:50終了予定)
●場 所:レクチャーホール301(24-301)※従来とは会場が異なります、ご注意ください。
●対 象:多摩美術大学 全学部学科対象
●講 師: Trend Union(Edelkoort East株式会社) 代表 家安 香氏

【 内容 】

【 2020春夏シーズンテーマ 】

Seminar on Trends in Spring and Summer 2020
[ Outline of seminar ]
N.B.: The seminar will be conducted in Japanese.

[Date] January 9 (Wed.)
[Hours] Venue opens at 16:10, seminar starts at 16:20
[Target Audience] Students in all departments of all faculties
[Lecturer] Kaori Ieyasu, President, Edelkoort East
[Application] Not required

[ Description of the seminar ]
CMTEL invites Kaori Ieyasu of Trend Union publishing company, editors and publishers of Trend Book, to comment on the necessity and context of trend predictions. Using audiovisual materials, this will be an accessible and easily understandable seminar.
She will discuss the latest issue of Trend Book, 2020 Spring and Summer, as well as how it is compiled and published so that you can grasp the workflow.
As the book focuses on a variety of genres, such as architecture and beauty, this is a valuable opportunity to browse books that you usually cannot access at CMTEL.
*The contents of the seminar are subject to partial change.


トレンドユニオンでは、綿密な社会背景の分析や予測を行い、それに基づいて1年半から2年先のシーズンテーマを打ち出します。それを各カテゴリーに合わせ掘り下げたものがトレンドブックです。その種類は全10種類のカテゴリーを取り揃え、様々な分野をサポートします。(今シーズンCMTELでは「GENERAL TREND」を入手)また、テキスタイルやマテリアルなど実際に貼り付けられた素材で、質感も確認することができます。


[ What is Trend Book? ]
Trend Book is a book of predictions for a year and a half or two years from now, based on elaborate analyses and research on societal background. It includes strictly selected key words, colors, and beautiful visual materials, packed with useful and essential information for designing and developing ideas. There are a large number of valuable fabric samples attached to the publication, which you can actually touch. Every single page is a source of inspiration. This is a crucial book that enables you to monitor trends in design and the consumer market.

You can see the latest book (2020 Spring and Summer) at CMTEL. If you are interested, please visit us.



セミナーを受講するにあたり、CMTELにある2020年春夏「GENERAL TREND」を見ておくことをお勧めします。