Oct 02
Posted by student | 2009/10/02 17:14
2009 Oct 2nd
講師陣には 和田達也(TAU)、James Maraz (ACCD)、Heidrun Mumper-Drumm(ACCD)をメインに迎え、コメントをいただきました。
次週から、「製品設計」視点からの知識とノウハウを提供してくれる Jeff Higashi 先生をアートセンターから講師として迎えて、プロジェクトは進んでいく予定です。
On October 2, the Pacific Rim group explored our individual topics in group critiques for an audience of Tama and Art Center faculty, staff,and students. The research topics included current and future trendsof customization and open source design; various emergent trends in sustainability and ecological issues; future of work trends, types of work, and the places we consider our workspaces; definitions of what
is home, including issues on generational shifts, cultural and social dynamics; and lastly, considering what is play, the future of play,and where and how we play.
Along with overseen by Art Center’s James Meraz, and Tama Art University’s Tatsuya Wada, the group presentation also was joined by Art Center’s visiting faculty member Heidrun Mumper-Drumm who lectured on issue of sustainability in design.
The groups were given new directions for research and design concepts and will begin presenting their findings to each other and visiting faculty Jeff Higashi who will provide his input from a “product design” viewpoint. Higashi taught a Samsung-sponsored trans- disciplinary studio with Meraz a few years ago and was a chief designer with Samsung.